Tug was repowered with 3 QSK19 Cummins engines. (Photo: Mike Fourtner/Cummins)
Ketchikan, Alaska, headquarteredBoyer Towing Inc has actually just recently repowered its 80 foot by 30 foot yank Gretchen H.
Delivered by Rodriguez Shipbuilding, Inc., Coden, Ala., in 1997, the vessel was gotten by Boyer in 2005.

As with lots of Rodriguez- constructed yanks, the Gretchen H. has three-way props as well as three-way engines. When Boyer Towing chose to repower the vessel, its option was to change the earlier Lugger engines, ranked at 700 hp each, with 3 brand-new Cummins QSK19 Tier 3 certified engines ranked at 750 hp each at 1,800 RPM. The existing Twin Disc MG5202DC equipments with their 6.1:1 proportions were an excellent suitable for the brand-new engines so they were kept.
Boyer performed the repower at its very own Seattle shipyard.
According to Cummins, the yank done faultlessly on sea tests at the end of January as well as prepares to return to function hauling barges in between Seattle, Wake Island, or Alaska.