Two U.S.-flag Harvey Gulf PSVs are gone to Nigeria
Harvey Gulf International Marine records that it has actually authorized 2, 1 year charters in Nigeria for the positioning of 2 united state flag, 3,250 dwt DPS-2 Platform Supply Vessels, both completely efficient in securely operating in superficial water ports with 4.5 meters of transportation deepness.
Both PSV’s will certainly leave for Nigeria in lateJune The business additionally anticipates to send out 2, 1,000 sq. meter deck vessels to the location in the 3rd quarter.
“We are continuing with our commitment to our shareholders of doing all we can to continue to generate positive EBITDA and cash flow, which cannot be achieved without operating globally,” claims chief executive officerShane Guidry “In 2018, our EBDITA was generated two ways, 50% was from long term non-cancelable legacy contracts, and 50% from the spot market and new contracts. Since making the commitment to provide global service less than nine months ago, we now have vessels contracted in six countries: Mexico, Trinidad, Suriname, Guyana, Nigeria and, of course, the United States. Harvey Gulf is committed to deliver the same safe excellent service (SES) in these countries that our clients are accustomed to receiving from us here in the U.S. Our highly trained crews and boots on the ground in all six countries are absolutely committed to accident-free service.”
According to Guidry, Harvey Gulf is additionally in conversations to bring MPSVs as well as LNG-dual gas PSVs to the North Sea, Brazil as well as Australia later on this year as well as right into 2020, in addition to DPS-2 FSIVs right into Angola.
Asked regarding future prepare for Harvey Gulf, Guidry is clear: “Companies need to merge in order to create larger operating profiles and reduce costs, thus increasing investor returns. Over the years, Harvey has done exactly that with the purchase of three U.S. competitors. Together with my management team, we stand ready to merge and operate any combined business.”