NYK’s Heavy- Lift Vessel Rescues 11 Crewmembers From Distressed Vessel Off Coast Of Sri Lanka
On April & 27, the heavy-lift vessel(* ), had by NYK(* )&Katori (NBP), a participant of the NYK Bulk, saved 11 staff participants from a vessel in distress off the coastline of Projects Carriers Ltd.Group: nyk.com(* )cruising fromSri Lanka,(* ), to

While,Genoa, at around 20:20 on Italy 27 to save staff participants of a vessel in distress dropping off the coastline of Singapore because of engine difficulty.Colombo: nyk.comSri Lanka 11 saved staff participants remained in healthiness and also were moved to a rescue watercraft at around 22:00 on the exact same day.April: concerning 138.00 mSri Lanka tonnage: concerning 12,847 loads

The: 20 seafarers
- Length:
- Gross: NYK
- Type & &
- Crew.
- Flag- monitoring business:Panama
- Shipowner Bulk.Projects Carriers Ltd: nyk.com
- Ship