OMSA President Aaron Smith
The Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA) has actually created the OMSA Wind Committee, with subscription currently available to all organization participants. Among its top priorities will certainly be to function to make sure that united state overseas wind tasks are accomplished in conformity with the Jones Act.
“Over the past 46 years, OMSA has done a tremendous job in promoting public policy that benefits the vessels, operators, and mariners engaged in the offshore oil and gas industry,” claimed OMSAPresident Aaron Smith “As more OMSA members apply their expertise to the offshore wind market, it only makes sense for OMSA to formalize our involvement in this sector.”
“The U.S. maritime industry has met the needs of every market it has encountered, and I’m confident that the offshore wind market will be no different,” claimed Court Ramsay, Chairman of the OMSA Board of Directors and also President ofAries Marine “I know my company has already committed vessels, resources, and personnel to offshore wind and I look forward to working with fellow OMSA members on the OMSA Wind Committee to promote this market.”
The board was formally developed by a resolution with one voice embraced by the OMSA Board ofDirectors The board billed the board with making suggestions to the Board and also OMSA personnel on approaches and also campaigns that raise united state maritime sector participation in the overseas wind industry.
The board will certainly additionally function to make sure the regulations and also laws regulating the overseas wind are useful to the vessel drivers and also seafarers that take part in this sector. Additionally, it will certainly help OMSA’s initiatives to shield the Jones Act and also make sure united state overseas wind facilities is built, serviced, and also preserved in a Jones Act certified fashion.
“The Jones Act was designed to foster, develop, and maintain a strong domestic merchant marine and shipbuilding industry,” claimedSmith “The law continues to accomplish that purpose and aid our national, homeland, and economic security. By ensuring the Jones Act is properly applied to the U.S. offshore wind industry, OMSA and the OMSA Wind Committee will help continue this important tradition.”
OMSA Board Member Lee Orgeron, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of Falcon Global claimed, “Our company helped construct the Block Island Wind Farm and we look forward to sharing the expertise we gained in completing this first commercial wind farm in the U.S. with our fellow OMSA members on the committee.”