Singapore- based Unix Line Pte Ltd., the key ship monitoring arm of MOL Chemical Tankers, begged guilty in government court the other day to an offense of the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships.
In begging guilty, Unix Line confessed that team participants onboard the Zao Galaxy, a 26,198 dwt chemical/oil items vessel, purposefully fell short to tape-record in the vessel’s oil document publication the crazy discharge of oily bilge water without making use of needed pollution-prevention devices, throughout the vessel’s trip from the Philippines to Richmond, California.
According to the appeal arrangement, Unix Line is the driver of the Zao Galaxy, which dove in from the Philippines onJan 21, 2019, heading towards Richmond, California, bring a freight of hand oil.On Feb 11, 2019, the Zao Galaxy gotten here in Richmond, where it went through a UNITED STATE Coast Guard examination as well as assessment. Examiners found that throughout the trip, a Unix Line- associated ship policeman routed team participants to release oily bilge water crazy, making use of an arrangement of drums, adaptable pipelines, as well as flanges to bypass the vessel’s oil water separator. The discharges were purposefully not videotaped in the Zao Galaxy’ s oil document publication.
Unix Line’s sentencing hearing is arranged for March 20 prior to UNITED STATE District Court Judge Jon S. Tigar in Oakland, California.