Watch: Heavy Seas Medevac in Bering Sea
The UNITED STATE Coast Guard medevaced a guy struggling with serious burns aboard an angling vessel in the Bering Sea on Monday.
The rescue occurred about 46 miles southwest of Saint Paul in the Aleutian Islands.
The Coast Guard reported that watchstanders in the 17th District command facility obtained a medevac demand at 9:56 a.m. from FV Bountiful for a crewmember with serious burns.
An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter staff from Air Station Kodiak securely raised the 43-year-old male at 2:56 p.m. and also moved him to waiting for emergency situation clinical solutions employees in Saint Paul for more transportation to Anchorage.
On- scene climate condition at the time were reported to be 46 miles per hour winds, 8-12 foot seas, and also 12 miles exposure.