The American Waterways Operators reports that Jennifer Carpenter, its Executive Vice President & &Chief Operating Officer, has actually been advertised to the placement of President & & Chief Executive Officer, reliable January 1, 2020, doing well Tom Allegretti.
“I could not be more pleased and gratified that she has been selected as my successor,” statedAllegretti “It has been my privilege to work alongside her throughout my AWO career.”
Scott Merritt Chairman of the AWO Board stated: “AWO has been blessed with some excellent executive leadership over its 75-year history, none more exceptional and effective than Tom Allegretti. As our President & CEO for the last 26 years, Tom has set the highest standard for leadership and advocacy on behalf of the membership. He has led us through some challenging times and has piloted us through some significant sea changes in our industry. Of all his many accomplishments, the recruitment, development, mentoring and ultimately, his promotion of Jennifer as his successor, is at the top. His vision and actions have assured the success of the organization well into the future. I’m grateful and appreciative that he has agreed to stay on to help with the transition of the organization and continue to promote member interests.”
Merritt included that Carpenter’s promo was all authorized by AWO’s Executive Committee previously today.
“Jennifer enjoys broad and deep confidence by AWO members as the right person to ensure AWO’s future sustained success,” statedMerritt “AWO is today an effective advocacy organization and a recognized safety leader due in no small part to Jennifer’s leadership and contributions. The public policy challenges facing our industry and the need for safety leadership have never been greater and we are confident that Jennifer will lead us in confronting these challenges effectively.”
The American Waterways Operators is the nationwide profession organization standing for the tugboat, towboat and also barge market, which operates the rivers, the Great Lakes, and also along the coastlines and also in the harbors of the United States.