Representatives from flag, seaside and also port authorities from China, Denmark, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Republic of Korea, and also Singapore satisfied at an online occasion on Tuesday (August 4) to introduce the MASSPorts campaign.
The occasion was signed up with by agents from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and also Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), in addition to International Association of Ports and also Harbors (IAPH).
MASSPorts is a network created by similar states and also organisations to deal with the obstacles and also accomplish placement of criteria for the tests and also procedure of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) in ports. The network’s purposes are to:
a. Develop in-depth standards and also problems for MASS tests in port— MASSPorts need to endeavour to settle on problems for MASS tests within their ports, which remain in line with IMO’s acting standards for MASS tests [See Point C].
b. Establish typical terms, kind and also criteria of interaction, ship coverage and also information exchange to improve inter-operability of systems throughout various ports— International transportation of vessels entails telephone calls at various ports where vessels connect with numerous stakeholders and also systems. Vessels and also ports need to be furnished with framework that have typical terms, kind and also criteria for smooth procedure.
c. Facilitate port-to-port MASS tests— Facilitate MASS tests to replicate the global nature of delivery with the goal of confirming the suggested standards and also problems for MASS tests, and also the inter-operability of port-based systems. This enables the network to recognize and also deal with added obstacles of running MASS at different ports.
Quah Ley Hoon, Chief Executive of the Maritime and also Port Authority of Singapore, stated, “Autonomous navigation is an important part of our plans to be a future-ready port. We see MASS having the potential to enhance navigational safety and increase productivity. We are glad to work with like-minded international partners who are aligned in shaping the future of the international shipping.”
Sea News Feature, August 5